If you have two pairs of cards with different suits, the highest pair wins. If you have a tie, the next highest pair wins. However, if both players have the same high card, the higher card wins. This is known as the tie-breaker. In some variations, the highest hand with the same type of cards wins.
In Poker, all players are dealt five cards: the community cards, the hole cards, and two hidden cards. They then choose five cards from which to make their hand. If all players Check or raise, play continues to the next round. Otherwise, all players must either Call or Fold. The final round of betting is the Showdown.
The rules of poker vary from one game to the next, but the basic concepts remain the same. Players will bet a certain amount of money, or an ante, to enter a game. They will then place their bets in a central pot. The highest hand wins the pot. The betting process in poker is done clockwise. After the ante, players can either raise or fold, depending on their hand.
The aim of the game is to form the highest five-card hand possible. The highest five-card hand wins the pot. If the other players cannot reach a tie, the pot will be split among the remaining players.